This section provides resources to help us better understand what a fluency is, various states of fluencies, and targeted fluencies at different grade levels.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Stages of Fluency Slide Deck - Workshop slide deck that unpacks what the fluency is and the various stages of fluency.

Stages of Fluency Handout - Useful resource to share with teachers or families to better help explain what mathematical fluency is and the various stages of fluency.


Grade 4 (Grade 5 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond adding and subtracting within 1,000,000. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 5.

Grade 5 (Grade 6 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond multi-digit multiplication. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 6.

Grade 6 (Grade 7 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond dividing whole and decimal amounts. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 7.

Grade 7 (Grade 8 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond solving equations in various forms. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 8.

Kinder (Grade 1 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond adding and subtracting within 5. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 1.

Grade 1 (Grade 2 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond adding and subtracting within 10. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 2.

Grade 2 (Grade 3 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond adding and subtracting within 20. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 3.

Grade 3 (Grade 4 Prerequisites)

Outlines grade level fluencies beyond multiplying and divide within 100 and adding and subtracting within 1,000. Outlines the prerequisite skills needed for Grade 4.


Planning outline designed by Dr. Christine Scafidi for teachers and schools that are anticipating that they will need to address prerequisite skills.


These are concepts and strategies that students entering your class will need to understand to fully engage in Kindergarten lessons. Content for September is connected to Number Concepts.

Grade 1

These are concepts and strategies that students entering your class will need to understand to fully engage in Grade one lessons. Content for September is connected to Number Concepts.

Grade 2

These are concepts and strategies that students entering your class will need to understand to fully engage in Grade two lessons. Content for September is connected to Number Concepts.

Grade 3

These are concepts and strategies that students entering your class will need to understand to fully engage in Grade three lessons. Content for September is connected to Number Concepts.

Grade 4

These are concepts and strategies that students entering your class will need to understand to fully engage in grade four lessons.   Content for September is connected to Number Concepts.

Grade 5

These are concepts and strategies that students entering your class will need to understand to fully engage in grade five lessons.   Content for September is connected to Number Concepts.